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Flash Pasteurization System FPS

The FPS: Gentle pasteurization and high efficiencyOur flash pasteurizer system (FPS) short-time heating system gently pasteurizes beer, beer mixed drinks, and carbonated soft drinks. The product is heated regeneratively, brought to pasteurization temperature through a hot water line, then passes through the holding section and is regeneratively cooled, optionally with glycol or ammonia. The required pasteurization unit is precisely maintained without negatively affecting quality characteristics such as color and taste. Additionally, our system is characterized by high operational safety and an impressive heat recovery of up to 96%.

How does the FPS work?In the FPS short-time heating system, pasteurization is carried out precisely and gently. The product is heated regeneratively and brought to pasteurization temperature. Control of flow and temperature ensures compliance with pasteurization units. After the holding section, regenerative cooling is performed using glycol or ammonia.

The pump configuration is crucial. Two pumps in series at the inlet maintain the product pressure above saturation pressure at pasteurization temperature, keeping CO2 within the product. A third pump between regeneration and heating prevents the pressure in the pasteurized product from being lower than in the non-pasteurized product to avoid contamination.

During shutdown, controlled emptying with degassed water through media separation is performed based on volume or conductivity. Restart: degassed water is pushed out with the product, maintaining microbiological stability and product quality.

Why should you choose our FPS?

  • Product-friendly: Heating is done as gently as possible due to a small temperature difference with the heating medium.
  • Stable control: The PU.F.T controller algorithm ensures stable PE values.
  • High heat recovery: Regenerative heating allows up to 96% heat recovery, saving both heating and cooling energy.
  • Wide performance range: Compliance with all pasteurization parameters in a wide flow range from 40% to 100% of rated capacity.
  • Energy efficiency: Thanks to the FLOW ADAPT algorithm, the system‘s performance adapts to the fill level in the buffer tank, saving energy, CO2, and product losses.
  • Easy integration: The system is pre-assembled, pre-wired, and tested.
  • Fully automatic operation: Intuitive control with the corosys compass allows for effortless operation, or the system can be fully integrated into your process control system.
  • Everywhere in view: With our Smart Machine operational data acquisition, you have access to operational data and reports from anywhere.
Do you have any questions?
Contact us
Contact Engineering
Jan Oertli
Product Manager

Phone: +49 6122 70 75 – 0

Flash Pasteurization System FPS
Individual adaptation to your needs

Flexible design of pasteurization parameters (PE, holding time, and temperature) according to your requirements.

Adaptation to the product to be treated (CO2 content, solids content, etc.)

Use of customer-specific components and brands.

Individual design and sizing according to your specific needs.

Options for your requirements

Integrated Carbonation system

Integrated Blending 

Lantern in inlet

Hot water instead of steam

Perfect combination with our solutions

The corosys buffer tank, as an ideal addition, seamlessly yet securely connects the FPS with upstream or downstream processes, such as a filler.

Integrate the FPS into your blending system or a sugar dissolver.

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