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 › Products & Services › Mixing & Desolving › Mixing system COROBEV COMPACT


Mixing system for soft drinks & beer mixturesThe COROBEV COMPACT mixing system excels in the continuous and precise production of carbonated beverages directly before the filler. It can also optionally dose beer or other ingredients. This system combines degassing, mixing, cooling, and carbonation in a space-saving unit with container dimensions.

The COROBEV COMPACT boasts flexible production capabilities with a performance range spanning 40% to 100% for the entire range of soft drinks. Precise measurement technology and automatic control ensure product quality.

How does the COROBEV COMPACT work?The COROBEV COMPACT operation involves degassing water to low oxygen levels, continuous mixing with syrup, and optionally additional ingredients. A centrifugal pump ensures optimal mixing, and the product can be cooled to the desired temperature.

Precise carbonation is achieved using the Gas Injector GDI, and quality parameters such as CO2 content and Brix are monitored at the outlet of the buffer tank. Only products that meet the quality requirements are filled.

Why should you choose the COROBEV COMPACT?

  • Compact and quick to start: All essential process steps, including water degassing, syrup dosing, inline carbonation, buffering, and distribution to the filler, are seamlessly integrated into a compact unit with container dimensions.
  • Lowest oxygen levels: Thanks to the thorough corosys water degassing, residual oxygen levels are reduced to below 10 ppb - up to 100 times lower than comparable systems.
  • Reduced CO2 requirement: By recycling CO2 from the buffer tank for carbonation, the CO2 demand is significantly reduced.
  • Perfectly regulated: The Integral Dosage Algorithm IDA ensures a perfectly mixed product and autonomously compensates for variations in the shortest time.
  • Gas injector: Our highly efficient CO2 injector GDI has low pressure loss and ensures complete CO2 dissolution, all without static mixers.
  • Easy integration: The system is pre-assembled, pre-wired, and tested.
  • Fully automatic operation: Intuitive control with the corosys compass allows for effortless operation, or the system can be fully integrated into your process control system.
  • Everywhere in view: With our Smart Machine operational data acquisition, you have access to operational data and reports from anywhere.
Do you have any questions?
Contact us
Contact Engineering
Jan Oertli
Product Manager

Phone: +49 6122 70 75 – 0

Individual adaptation to your needs

Capacities from 25 to 1,000 hl/h for perfect coordination with your filler.

Use of customer-specific components and brands.

Individual design and dimensioning according to your specific needs.

Options for your requirements

Additional dosing points     Lantern

Vacuum degassing    Nitrogen dosing

Oxygen measurement    UV system

Cooler for product    

Perfect combination with our solutions

Using our dissolving and mixing tanks, you produce the finished syrup.

Additional components can be dosed inline via our  Additive Dosing System ADS.

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