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The corosys Bevinar series

For anyone who is curious and would like to learn about beer and drinks: We are pleased to offer you our free monthly webinar sessions!

SymbiosisBevinar is the symbiosis of beverage and webinar. We started the first Bevinar with the topic of carbonation and blending. Stefan Meyering and Jan Oertli spoke about innovations and basics.

Bevinar – Blending & CarbonisationStefan Meyering and Jan Oertli in our very first Bevinar about carbonation and blending in the brewery and the special features.

Bevinar II – DegassingThe corosys Bevinar goes into the second round! The continuation of our free webinar series for the brewing and beverage industry will focus on the topic of "water deaeration". In addition to physical knowledge, our experts will also talk about innovations and potential CO2 savings.

Bevinar III – De-alcoholisationAt Bevinar III - De-alcoholisation, we welcomed Jens Reineke as a special guest and tasted the non-alcoholic beers from Störtebeker Braumanufaktur with him and the audience.



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